
Lightning Protection Products You Never Knew You Needed

Dissipation Systems are designed to prevent lightning strikes. These refer to devices using point discharge phenomena to retard and reduce the potential of lightning strikes on their protected devices. Choosing the appropriate lightning protection products for a specific application requires several performance issues to be considered, such as the radius of the dissipater electrode cross-section, the construction material of the dissipater, the number and density of electrodes, and the configuration of the dissipater on the structure it is designed to protect.  The Dissipation Array System (or DAS) is a lightning prevention system. Well, it doesn’t prevent lightning from happening altogether, but it does prevent lightning from striking the protected structure. There is a lot of detail on how it does this, but the simple version is that it lowers the electrostatic field in the protected zone. This prevents upward-rising lightning leaders (or streamers) from being created on the pro

6 Reasons To Opt For A Comprehensive Lightning Protection Design System

Since 1971, LEC has developed specialized expertise in lightning protection design. While traditional lightning strike protection methods may be adequate for some installations, custom lightning protection design systems meet more exacting requirements when more complete protection is needed. Engineering an appropriate solution is more complex than simply putting up a lightning rod. Before implementing a protection plan, each site is evaluated for risk factors, geography, soil type, and many other parameters. A comprehensive lightning protection design is a necessity for all facilities, and here are six reasons: Climate change has increased the number of lightning strikes each year, putting every part of the country at risk.  The devices that operate your facility and keep you, your investment, and your personnel safe — including security systems, heating and cooling equipment, and electronic appliances — can be knocked out by lightning surges, even if the lightning does not directly

A Different, Innovative Approach To Lightning Protection

Lightning protection performs an important and imperative function in the energy and electric power sectors, helping companies avoid the downtime and restoration costs that come with outages. A single outage lasting 1 hour can cost upward of $1 Million not only to the company but also to its customers, depending on the service users. Several companies have found that traditional lightning protection tends to create more issues than solutions and have opted to implement a solution based on charge transfer technology. Whether it is a nuclear power facility such as Browns Ferry or substations, much like those operated at EPB, or a cooperative, such as Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the usual protection, like lightning rods and overhead grounding/shield wires, do not do the job, they need assurances and have found that a customized approach, tailored to meet their unique set of circumstances, is more preferable than the standard approach. The Lightning Protection

A Tailored Lightning Protection Approach To This Hazardous Natural Event

Lightning occurs when vast amounts of static electricity stored in wet clouds are released. The positive charges in the ground attract the negative charges in the wet clouds, and lightning strikes the path of least resistance, such as tall structures.  Being uncontrollable and unpredictable, lightning strikes can cause significant damage to people, homes, and businesses. The only way to protect people and property from severe damage is to be prepared beforehand. Preparation is where lightning protection systems, grounding , and surge protection systems play a huge role. Its effectiveness is essential to ensure reliability and longevity. Before delving into the importance of LEC's lightning protection , it is vital to understand the risks associated with lightning strikes. Equipment damage Data loss System downtime Safety hazard We take a tailored approach to each design requirement based on the needs of each customer’s application. An offshore oil and gas installation or exposed wi

Lightning Surge Protection Devices Is The Best Defence Against Lightning

With every upgrade in technology, sensitive systems like dynamic positioning, drilling instrumentation and control, and other rig management systems essential to staying online are becoming more vulnerable. From the standpoint of electronics, the secondary effects of lightning — earth current transients and atmospheric transients, ground potential rise, and electromagnetic pulse — are a greater problem than the direct lightning strike. In some cases, the damage caused by lightning may not show up immediately after a storm but sometime later. What is surge? Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon—about 100 strike Earth's surface every single second—yet their power is extraordinary. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity. Peak current intensity is of the order of 10 to 100 million volts of electricity, with an average of about 30,000 amps. Energy goes into light and heat with temperatures about 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit, six times hotter tha

Professional Lightning Protection Design & Solutions By LEC Can Help Achieve Full Protection

In a world where our reliance on technology and electrical equipment is ever-increasing, the necessity for reliable lightning rod protection cannot be overstated. There are several compelling motives for investing in lightning protection design and solutions, specifically for businesses: Safety Design Is Critical Even with the right technologies, having a comprehensive lightning protection design and surge protection plan is critical. Ultimately, it is a systematic approach to minimizing the threat of all types of direct lightning damage and electrical transients that affords the best protection for property and personnel. This means factoring in the potential for fire, high-voltage spikes, ground faults, switching surges, electrostatic discharge, and other disruptions.  Professional design assistance by LEC can help utilities achieve full protection. Business continuity - Lightning strikes can wipe out critical data stored on servers and storage devices. Adopting lightning protection

Prevent Electrical Disturbances With Lightning Surge Protection Devices

  We are Pioneers in: ·          Lightning Protection System ·          Chemical Earthing Installations ·          Lightning Surge Protection Devices Let’s talk about our patented lightning surge protection devices . The term surge protection device (SPD) describes electrical devices typically installed in power distribution panels, process control systems, communications systems, and other heavy-duty industrial systems, for protection against electrical surges and spikes, including those caused by lightning.  When clean, uninterrupted power is crucial, LEC’s next-generation surge protection devices are ready to provide the highest level of performance for the safety and reliability of your electrical systems. These devices are able to accomplish two tasks for protection, i.e., surge voltage in terms of amplitude needs to be limited and discharge of the surge voltage to the ground, which is done without causing any damage to the devices.  Lightning Surge Protection Devic