A Different, Innovative Approach To Lightning Protection

Lightning protection performs an important and imperative function in the energy and electric power sectors, helping companies avoid the downtime and restoration costs that come with outages. A single outage lasting 1 hour can cost upward of $1 Million not only to the company but also to its customers, depending on the service users.

Several companies have found that traditional lightning protection tends to create more issues than solutions and have opted to implement a solution based on charge transfer technology.

Whether it is a nuclear power facility such as Browns Ferry or substations, much like those operated at EPB, or a cooperative, such as Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the usual protection, like lightning rods and overhead grounding/shield wires, do not do the job, they need assurances and have found that a customized approach, tailored to meet their unique set of circumstances, is more preferable than the standard approach.

The Lightning Protection Solution:

The Dissipation Array System (DAS) uses a different, innovative method of operation.

DAS uses “charge transfer” technology, which prevents the termination of lightning within the area of desired protection altogether. The technology is so effective that the DAS has a 99% success rate and is the only lightning protection product offering a full no-strike warranty.

Lightning Eliminators has provided critical solutions for numerous electric power facilities over the past 50-plus years. The response has resulted in statements such as this made by Dave Fatkin, Plant Engineer at the City of Tallahassee, Hopkins Generating Station,

“I want to again thank you for a job well done. I know you guys put in extra effort during the on-site data acquisition phase. If you need a reference, please feel free to pass my contact information along.” we frequently do upon request.

When utilities or power generation facilities experience adverse operational events and are subsequently knocked offline, the cost can be devastating, resulting in the ultimate consequence of death and/or substantial losses, which can have an impact on customers ranging from thousands of dollars to millions, depending on location and the customers who are impacted.

Get your lightning protection customized solution today.

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