Is This Technology Better Than Any Lightning Safety Tip?
We all know that lightning is dangerous, so it only makes sense to understand the different ways of protecting oneself. When you are outside : · Stay away from concrete walls and floors. The metal wires and bars inside them are good conductor of electricity. · Trees are not safe as well. The moisture within it or in between the bark and wood are easy accessible path for a lightning strike to ground itself. · Avoid leaning against vehicles. Though you can take shelter inside the vehicle; just roll up the windows and avoid touching the metal frame or the steering wheel. · Stay away from shorelines, railroad tracks, metal fences, flagpoles, or poles. What is the best thing to do? The best thing to do when you are caught outside during a thunderstorm is to squat down on the balls of your feet with as little contact with the ground as possible. Wait for the thunderstorm to pass before moving. However, looking out for the warning...