Are You Aware of the Lightning Safety Tips Because Lightning Will Strike
Some people love a great thunderstorm whereas others are petrified by its first flash. Love them or hate them, a thunderstorm producing lightning is dangerous. In less than a microsecond, a lightning discharge can generate millions of amps of electricity. And it can hit anywhere; directly beneath the clouds or 18 miles away from its place of generation. Lightning Eliminators believes you should not attract lightning but Eliminate it to protect your facilities and operations from its potential damage. - Home and office is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm and lightning strike. - Seek shelter in a hard top vehicle if you are struck outside. - If you are outside and shelter is not available, crouch down with minimum contact with the ground, tuck your head in and cover your ears. - When outside stay away from water sources and tall trees. - Equip your home with a fire and smoke detector. Due to the heat, a lightnin...