
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Lightning Protection System Of Your Choice

  Lightning is caused by the build-up of static electricity within a thundercloud. Negative charge accumulates at the bottom of the cloud and induces a positive charge on the surface of the earth. When the potential between the cloud and ground reaches about a billion volts, a downward leader begins to move from the cloud towards the earth. As the downward leader connects with an upward streamer on the earth, then the visible lightning strike is formed and massive current flow between the cloud and earth. Across industries, the power of lightning strikes to injure personnel, destroy assets and disrupt processes through fire, explosion or electrical damage is clear. Even if a facility is not directly struck by lightning, secondary effects such as  electromagnetic pulse  can fry sensitive circuitry in the vicinity. One technology that has proven to be the perfect lightning prevention solution is Dissipation Array System. This  Lightning protection system  works on...