Considering Lightning Rod Protection? Talk to Us.
Since the dawn of civilization, lightning has inflicted a great deal of damage on the structures built by mankind. About 250 years ago, an effective method of protection became available when Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod . A great deal of the research done since then was regarding how to best utilize lightning rod protection to dissipate lightning at a reasonable cost. A lightning protection system functions by intercepting the direct lightning strike energy as it hits near a structure and safely diverting it to the Earth. Lightning phenomena is roughly based on the discharge of huge charge regions high in the atmosphere into the Earth. This discharge initiates high overhead and starts a rapid descent “in the general direction” of Earth with no real high resolution target. In other words, the lightning does not have a real plan when it starts to fall, but only near the end do the step leaders feel enough electric field influence to reach up and connect. This all occur...