Grounding Rod That’s Least Resistant To Changing Temperatures

Grounding rods and their fittings are used to provide the interface to ground in all soil conditions in order to achieve satisfactory earthing systems in overhead and underground electricity distribution and transmission networks – providing high fault current capacity on low, medium and high voltage substations, towers and power distribution applications. When current seeks and finds its own path(s) back to its voltage source, usually it will pass through equipment. If the voltage passing through that equipment is higher than its operating threshold, the equipment will fail and an outage of some type will take place. Among the various situations that may occur on your electrical system, the most common are high voltage surges , and damage or loss of one of the service conductors. High voltage surges are often caused by lightning strikes on or near power lines. In addition, voltage spikes can occur when large appliances or heavy machinery at nearby locations are switched on or of...