Lightning Protection Products You Never Knew You Needed

Dissipation Systems are designed to prevent lightning strikes. These refer to devices using point discharge phenomena to retard and reduce the potential of lightning strikes on their protected devices. Choosing the appropriate lightning protection products for a specific application requires several performance issues to be considered, such as the radius of the dissipater electrode cross-section, the construction material of the dissipater, the number and density of electrodes, and the configuration of the dissipater on the structure it is designed to protect. The Dissipation Array System (or DAS) is a lightning prevention system. Well, it doesn’t prevent lightning from happening altogether, but it does prevent lightning from striking the protected structure. There is a lot of detail on how it does this, but the simple version is that it lowers the electrostatic field in the protected zone. This prevents upward-rising lightning leaders (or streamers) from being created on the...