Lightning Surge Protection Devices For Data Centers

Very little commercial or administrative activity can occur if the computers are out of action. So, every minute of data center downtime can severely affect a firm’s profitability and reputation. Lightning surge protection devices can help ensure that frequent but unpredictable events such as lightning strikes and power surges do not cause data loss or severe and lasting damage to sensitive data center equipment. Data centers must have high systems availability with a maximum of four minutes of downtime per year, which can only be achieved with the redundancy of power supply from the energy distributor. They usually have two medium-voltage sources to reduce the risk of power failure, one of which serves as a backup. A third source, in the form of generators, is often found on site along with an uninterruptable power supply to ensure power supply maintenance even in the event of a fault. UPS also serves to safeguard the quality of electrical energy. However, due to their low residu...