Lightning Safety Signs Makes Working Outdoor Safer And Easier

Lightning is very unpredictable. If a lightning strike is detected 10 miles away, then the next strike can be at your location. So when do you cease work? Where do you go? How long should work be suspended?

People who work with or near explosive or conductive materials, in open spaces or near tall objects, are especially at-risk for lightning striking and injuries. Employers should be responsible for protecting their workers from lightning exposure and take other important lightning safety precautions to lower the chances of these damaging and deadly workplace injuries.

In order to protect workers, employers should ensure that everyone finds a safe place to go and wait until the storm passes.

When should you cease work?

Though the exact location of a lightning strike cannot be predicted, it is easy to tell if lightning in the area. Notice the following signs:

- Darkening clouds and increased wind speed

-  A rapidly growing cumulonimbus clouds

-  Audible thunder

-  A severe thunderstorm warning

-  Regular checking of weather reports

Additionally, there are many portable lightning detectors that can detect when there is a strike within a 10-mile radius. 

Where do you go?

-  If you are operating any device with attachments, cease immediately.

-  Do not hold any items in your hand that is made of metal

-  Do not put yourself in contact with other permanent objects that are good conductor of electricity

-  Go to a safe structure or a car. A car! Yes, a car becomes what we call a ‘Faraday cage’. When you surround a space with the conductor, the charges redistributes themselves all over the surface of the conductor, which means no electricity inside the car.

-  If there is no safe haven nearby and you are in the open, crouch down.

How long should work be suspended?

The golden rule is to remain in the shelter for at least 30 minutes after hearing the last sound of thunder.

These are basic lightning safety tips every company must follow, however, there could be many other work hazards. Every employer should create an emergency action plan so that every worker knows how to respond in case of a severe thunderstorm.

A little common sense will go a long way with surviving lightning storms while outside and for protecting the structure and equipment there is Lightning Eliminators & Consultant Inc


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