Know How of Surge Protection Devices

 A power surge is a sudden and unwanted increase in voltage that can damage, degrade, or destroy electronic equipment. Surges can originate from electric utilities or lightning or other electric faults.

A low-voltage surge protective device (SPD) limits transient voltages by diverting or limiting surge current and SPDs are a cost-effective solution to prevent downtime, improve system and data reliability, and eliminate equipment damage caused by transient voltages and surges for power and signal lines.

Is surge protection right for you?

Are you experiencing damage to electrical, electronic or communication equipment due to power surges or transient voltages?

Or is there a risk of damage occurring due to an unstable power supply or lightning strike?

If your answer to any of the above question is affirmative, then Surge protection device is a necessity.

When selecting an SPD for any given application, there are several considerations that must be made:

Application – to ensure that the SPD is designed for the zone of protection for which it will be used.

System voltage and configuration - SPDs are designed for specific voltage levels and circuit configurations. 

Let-through voltage - This is the voltage that the SPD will allow the protected equipment to be exposed to.


Types or class- of SPD:

 Type 1 arresters are generally installed in the service entrance

Type 2 SPDs should be fitted to all the distribution panels that serve critical equipment.


However, the need for lightning surge protection devices depends on numerous factors. Each product is developed by a team of experienced engineers with the aim to solve specific problems faced by industry.

Apart from providing surge protection devices we also give consultancy services such as:

-  Cost-effective lightning and surge protection designs for any structure, facility or site in all industries

-  Proven, methodical approach based on the “lightning protection pyramid

-  Quantitative assessment of need for surge protection via calculations

Our protection systems can be trusted to help prevent fires, structural damage to buildings and catastrophic failure of sensitive electronic, computer and telephone systems.


Since the safety and economic consequences of temporary or permanent failure of industrial equipment cannot be tolerated, protection devices should be installed on critical power circuits.

Installing a lightning surge protection device from Lightning Eliminators & Consultant Inc. ensures security of your company data, employees and facility during an unpredictable electrical surge, as well as ensures continued function of critical systems.

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