Number 1 Reason Why Surge Protection is An Integral Part of Lightning Protection

 Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) have become increasingly important in recent years and has got wide presence across industries. Costly electronic equipment, which is sensitive to voltage peaks on the supply, are now found in all offices and factories, including highly- sensitive data processing, telecommunication and computer networks that form the backbone of worldwide communications structures without which, no company can survive. Machines and production lines are monitored and controlled by electronic equipment programmed for specific purposes.

Why is SPD an integral part of an LPS?

Lightning protection and mains systems both deal with electricity. However, the parameters that the two handle are unique. The former focuses on incredibly high currents and swift rising impulses. On the other hand, mains power offers a consistent electricity supply. Normally, it has an alternating current at a much lower voltage and a very low frequency as well. This is so it can power the appliances in a building.

The last thing we want is an LPS that will allow currents to flow into the mains. Therefore, it’s essential to coordinate both of them in a safe way via surge protection devices.

SPDs are used for protection against surges from power lines, signal lines, feeder lines and other various line voltage surges, and can be used as class 1, 2 & 3 levels of protection.

General surge protection levels are divided into three categories – primary protections, secondary protection and board level protection.

Primary protection – this applies to power lines and data lines exposed to an outdoor environment, service entry and AC distribution panels. And these SPDs need to be installed at the input side of the service entrance.

Secondary protection  required for the protection of computer systems, inverters and sensitive equipment. These surge protection devices must be installed in the various electrical cabinets present on site.

Board level protection – This is essentially done to protect each equipment connected to a power source but cannot be effectively used alone.

It can be tempting to try to install a surge protection device yourself to save money. However, this is almost never a good idea; these systems are important enough and intricate enough that the risk of harm that can come from an improperly installed SPD is too great.

If you are looking for professional services, without fuss and a price that fits your business budget, contact or Lightning Eliminator specialist today. 


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