Ground Breaking Technology in Lightning Rod Protection

 Benjamin Franklin was attracted to electricity. Given its similar colour, crackle, and configuration, he suspected that lightning itself was electricity. He further noted that a pointed metal needle could draw electricity from a charged metal sphere, which came to be known as lightning rod.

To protect one self, the implementation of a system of protection against lightning is needed.

Today, more than two-and-a-half centuries later, lightning rod protection persist—as decorative architectural pieces, as vestiges of the past, and as mitigators of lightning’s power. These rods are known by many names: air terminals, finials, lightning conductors, or strike-termination devices.

Today every building is equipped with many sensitive electronic systems thus they need to be protected from any unforeseen damage from lightning strikes. This is the reason more people are considering lightning rod protection than ever before. And as every structure is vulnerable to lightning damage, a lightning rod is installed on the roof of every building – schools, hospitals, health care facilities, airports, shopping centres, office buildings, manufacturing units, etc.

This rod requires proper grounding for efficient and safe dispersing of a large amount of energy from a lightning strike. Failure to provide adequate grounding will result in ineffective lightning rod protection to property and human life. Different techniques are used to ensure that the rod has strong electrical connections to the ground.

In the past, people favored Franklin air terminals—rods that come to a point at the top. Now the scenario has changed. With the advancement in technology, years of experiments and numerous tests in laboratory and in real lightning conditions as necessary; LEC has developed and patented Dissipation Array System (DAS). Unlike the lightning rod which attracts and grounds the lightning the DAS charge transfer technology, eliminates the lightning strike within the protected zone.

DAS -is based on Physics and state-of-the-art engineering. It reduces the naturally occurring electric field within a protected area – the upward streamer does not get enough energy from a storm to connect with downward leaders. This point discharge becomes more efficient when connected to a low impedance grounding system as more ions can be transferred.

Without any fragile priming system, we designed the most reliable and sustainable lightning protection product on the market and also extend a full no strike warranty for DAS clients.

With patented products and over 46 years of experience, we have been protecting a number of global 1000 companies from disaster and loss.

Contact us to know more about our ground breaking technology.


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