Ensure Complete Lightning Rod Protection for Your Facility

Ever since there has been any thought given to lightning protection the vast majority of that thought has been based on the premise that lightning is "an act of God" and as such should not , and indeed cannot, be influenced by man. By virtue of the same reasoning men were also told they could not fly, go to the moon, etc.

If this premise is to form the basis of our design practice then the basis of lightning rod protection systems and technology will be limited by the resulting constraints and performance limitations. This principle is a remedial form of protection that treats the symptoms rather than the cause.

Lightning rod protection technologies are designed to provide protection to structures against physical damage from lightning strikes. Various technologies are available to shield a facility from lightning.

What is a lightning rod?

The lightning rod has been used for over 200 years as a conductive metal rod mounted atop a roof. They route the lightning strike away from the structure, channeling it into the ground. These are normally metal rods, typically made of copper or aluminum and are placed safely on a roof.

These conventional lightning rod collect and transmit the lightning strike current to the ground were never designed to protect modern technologies and high-tech facilities. These lightning rods, irrespective of what  tell you, can actually bring thousands of volts close to sensitive electronics, causing fire and permanent damage.

Trust a lightning rod protection system with Dissipated Array System (DAS) technology to greatly reduce this threat on your business, residence, equipment, data and life.

The Dissipation Array System (DAS) has been designed to prevent a lightning strike to both the protected area and the array itself. DAS is able to reduce the potential between that site and the cloud cells, such that it is not high enough for a stroke to form within that area. Protection may also be thought of in terms of dealing with the charge. The protective system must release, or leak off, the charge induced by the storm in the area of concern to a level where a lightning stroke is impractical.

The DAS lightning rod protection reduces operational costs and is our most reliable product. We also offer a ‘no strike’ warranty ensuring complete protection on all our installations.

Contact our Lightning Eliminator & Consultant Inc. team for more information.


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