Lightning Surge Protection Devices Improve the Operating Effectiveness of a Facility

 In today’s electronic world, electrical systems in every industry aren’t complete unless they incorporate surge protection devices. They dramatically improve the total operating efficiency and reliability of the electrical system.

A surge protector is a device to protect electrical equipment from voltage spikes that may occur from lightning, power outage, short circuits, and many other natural occurrences. Power surges cause a great amount of heat to run along electrical wiring and cause the wire to burn because more voltage than the wire was designed to hold is being forced into it.

A lightning surge protection devices functions in three ways:

  • It prevents voltage spikes from stressing electrical equipment
  • It ensures that the surge current flows away from the equipment
  • It prevents secondary induced voltage from damaging the equipment

Through common knowledge, there are two approaches to solve all your surge problems; even the ones occurring due to a lightning strike.

  • To provide lightning surge protection devices only at the service entrance
  • To provide point-of-use protection with individual surge protection devices at critical equipment

While the statements above are true, at Lightning Eliminators & Consultant Inc., we include a third approach. For complete protection we install lightning protection system, combining the SPDs at the entrance and on the equipment. Additionally, we address the grounding practices throughout the facility – starting with the entrance neutral to ground bond. 

Qualities of lightning surge protection devices by LEC

  • They are able to identify failures and activate alarms
  • They can filter EMI/RFI
  • Protect equipment from overload
  • They meet the national and international standards
  • Resetting is not required

Deployed with the latest state-of-the-art technology all our devices are specially designed with a high surge capacity to suit even the most lightning prone regions of the world.

It is used as both a complete device or as an integral part of a lightning protection system.

Patented SPDs of Lightning Eliminators include:

  • Facility guard
  • Transient Limiters (TLX100 & TLX50)
  • DC surge protector (TLX 50-DC)
  • Hybrid Surge Protectors for Data and Telecom application (TE500)
  • Data line protector (DLP)
  • Coaxial Line Protector (CLP)

Browse through our website to gain more information. 


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