Effective Lightning Protection Design System For Outdoor And Indoor Substations

Direct lightning strikes to transmission lines or substations may damage the electrical equipment and threaten any nearby personnel. 

More over a lightning strike on a transformer can cause a major explosion due to the amount of extra voltage injected into it. Lightning bolts can contain up to 120 million volts – depending on the length and size. When a transformer blows, it can knock out power for hundreds to thousands of people. In addition, collateral damages can occur because any line connected with the blown transformer, is now live and could be carrying thousands of volts. Blown transformers can also set its surroundings on fire, especially in dry environments.

Because substations should operate reliably and because they are susceptible to lightning strikes, it is common practice to provide a Lightning Protection Design System for both outdoor and indoor substations.

LEC lightning protection is based on some very basic principles:

  • Don’t attract lightning, eliminate it
  • If some secondary currents pass through a protected structures, to ground them safely to earth, thereby reducing the risk of side flashes
  • To protect equipment from surge and transient on power lines, signals and data lines.
  • Provide excellent pre-sales and after-sales services
  • Mitigate loss or damage to all expensive and important electrical and electronic components
  • Minimize financial loss and downtime

Substation lightning protection design systems must protect substations (plant equipment and buildings) from harmful effects of direct lightning strikes and from thermal, mechanical and electrical effects caused by lightning discharges.

Substations can be completely protected against lightning damage. Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc (LEC) is committed to providing lightning protection products, solutions and services by utilizing innovative patented charge transfer technology, grounding systems engineering, surge protection design, and providing comprehensive consulting services based on physics and state of the art engineering principles. The design of an LPS for substations is specific to the requirements of the substations and related cost considerations. However, the best protection measures are best understood through a thorough risk assessment.

LEC provides the only No Strike Warranty in the industry on our DAS solutions. When installed, maintained and supervised by LEC, our DAS prevents direct strikes with a 99% success rate, minimizing the risks to substations and its operations. 

As always for more information on lightning protection design system please contacts us.


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